Take a look at our newly renovated Chapel, completed in October, 2023.
The newly renovated chapel
The pelican, sacrificially feeding her chicks, serves as an ancient Eucharistic metaphor
The seraph serpent on the new high altar prefigures Christ lifted up on the cross to give life to all
The veiled tabernacle is crowned by ten gold circles to recall the ten commandments
Christ's command to "take ye, and eat" stands out against the newly contrasting crimson background
The baldachin and updated reredos
The golden sanctuary lamp reminds us of the Lord's presence
Stenciling on the sanctuary walls represents our patrons, St. John Henry Cardinal Newman (coat of arms) and St. John the Evangelist (the eagle)
The pieta has been returned to its orginal location to the right of the sanctuary
A statue of St. John Henry Newman at prayer has been returned to the chapel, and is flanked by reliquaries
Fitted replicas of the 14 original Stations of the Cross images adorn walls in the nave
Encircling the nave is the beginning of John's Gospel, “In the beginning... the Word became flesh.”
Stenciling on the nave's ceiling restores the original ornamentation of the chapel
The "living creatures" of John's book of Revelation represent the Gospel writers and are revealed in the heavenly blue ceiling
An expanded vestibule is home to the baptismal font and new chapel doors featuring the vine and branches of the Tree of Life